First off--I apologize for not being as active here as I want to be, I'm having issues for quite a while now with blogger and am thinking of switching to something a little easier to update and maintain.
I do have an Instagram account that I post to every week and I am on facebook quite a bit as well.
So if you are on any of those, you can follow me and see more behind the scenes and projects Im currently working on. Enough of that;)
Well another season just started everywhere, except here:) it's officially Fall or Autumn if you prefer but here in Miami it is still 95 degrees with 100% humidity all of the time. I still like to pretend there's a season here so I start by switching the pillows on the sofa to more natural colors instead of my super bright summer palette and I lower the AC at night to 65 and drink hot tea, that's Fall, Y'all!
Luckily, I am traveling until the end of the month on business so I will be outta this sticky heat for a little bit!! But I will be back in time to start my doll class!!
"It's My Party" doll class will begin OCTOBER 1st at AforArtistic once again, so I hope you can join me! Just click the blue link to go sig up for the class!
I added 3 new Little Monsters on my Etsy shop this week. I have Gus the Ghost,
Baby Bat, and Little Pumpkin Head. They are small and adorable and will arrive in the cutest little coffin or crate and they make a great gift for yourself or anyone who loves spooky creepy cute stuff!!

I hope you like them!!
Have a great week!