Ms. Whisolbautum is thrilled to introduce to you little Malvina Moore.
Malvina is 10 years old and comes to us from Louisiana after the unfortunate and mysterious death of her entire family. The child has been in the care of a family friend until now,
a Ms. M. Laveau. A very religious woman from what we have heard.
Malvina is quite the spectacular child. She is quiet and very well behaved. She keeps mostly to herself but loves to make prolonged eye contact. She stays occupied by playing cards.
She collects shells and feathers as well as tiny sticks that look remarkably like chicken bones.
She loves to read, and always has her little nose either in a book or the newspapers obituaries. She checks it on a regular basis to see if its anyone she knows-what a concerned and caring heart!!
She even keeps a locket with her Mum and Dad's hair in it.
As if all this wasn't enough she is also very creative. Malvina makes little dolls during arts and crafts time.
You will know she has taking a liking to you when she personalizes the doll with a lock of your hair or a scrap of your clothing. She keeps these dolls close to her heart, actually under her bed.
We believe this is how she "bonds" with others. This child is a true gem and we know that with the right family, she will continue to shine.
Thank you for your consideration in the matter,
Ms. Whisolbautum and the help (rosanna)
Malvina is almost 7 inches tall and made of polymer clay over a wire armature and cloth body.
She stands on her own and her boots are sculpted as well. Her eyes are painted white jade. Her hair is mix of tibetan lamb and english viscose. She wears a mix of new and vintage fabrics. Her hand is posed behind her so she can hide things from you. Her voodoo doll is hand sewn and painted. Her witchcraft book is hand made and stitched in the center. She has a few tarot cards and some letters and documents. Her glass jar has shells and a flower. Her skull image locket has her Mum and Dad's hair in it. Her trunk is fabric covered and stained to look old.
She will remain with me a few days until I figure out if I'm going to list her on ebay or etsy.
Thanks for the visit!!
OMG!!! Melvina is PERFECT!! I just love her, she has sucha great expression and I love her tavel trunk with all the goodies in it:) You spared her no detail, amazing!!
You should consider joining us at ADO (art dolls only) here is the link. http://www.artdollsonly.com/joinado.htm
You would love it there, it is a small group yet ....i think like 30 but we are strong and growing!!
Thanks Jaqui, you're too sweet!! I will check it out today.
Big Hugs
Hi Sweets:) I tagged you to do something fun!! and easy! go to my blog to get it:)
I can see that Malvina Moore is a delightful child…
I love the story, the doll and all the details…
What a wonderful piece of art …
I am enchanted by your blog, the stories, art,the faces of these people are just lovely. How can I purchase one of your art pieces?? Thanks,Pearl
Hi Pearl,
Thanks for the kind words. I used to sell some of my work in small gallery shows but now I am considering putting some on Etsy or maybe even Ebay. I will let everyone know really soon.
Thanks again,
Amazing dolls and amazing stories. You should list your work for sale - somewhere!!!!!
what a great story and doll! fantastic.
This is beyond amazing! SO much detail and magic!
Magic and Joy!
Melvina is so wonderfully creepy! She is absolutely beautiful, and the details are amazing.
have you decided yet about Malvina???
I think I heard her say she wants to come and live with me!!!!
If you don't let her, I would be afraid what she may do!!! I think she might know witch craft!! LOL
Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments!! I am very happy with the way Malvina has been welcomed. I will check out ADO this weekend. Thank you again!
Melvina is WONDERFUL! I just love her facial expression, esp those eyes! Great job
Malvina is deliciously warped looking...I love her! What an expression and the detail is amazing!
Wow...FABULOUS characters! I favor Ms. Whisolbautum, she looks so benign and clueless and Melvina is perfectly sinister.
Oh what a lovely child i think my son may be her alter ego hehe What a fabulous goft you have to bring the ummm special to life.And what a special little girl this child is,Makes one glad one had sons methinks !
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