Thursday, October 9, 2008

body parts

I have made an effort to keep my studio clean and tidy but its very hard when you're trying to find just the right color of mohair or the right fabrics or the right colors of clay to mix. I love the process but I don't like the picking up and putting everything back---I work messy! Here are some heads and bits and body parts I found around my desk, I'll call it the doll cemetery.  Also those are some eye colors I have been working on. The body with the drawings on it is my guide for errors in anatomy that I tend to make if I am focused on just one body part at a time. This helps me remember. 


Unknown said...

I love seeing people's work in progress.
really like your little tray of body parts picture, so pretty, but slightly disturbing.

Rosanna Pereyra said...

Thank you for the visit, keep checking back. I started taking some pics of my work in progress, I didn't think anyone liked that part but from now on I will show it.