Wow, I can't believe that Christmas is in 3 days and that 2009 is only a week and a half away!
I have been working on many things. Sorry I can't yet show the commissioned piece, I was asked to wait until after the holidays so I don't ruin the surprise. So instead I will show you what I did on photoshopCS4. My uncle gave it to me a few days ago so I started messing with it and I LOVE IT!!!! I have only managed to make a few things because I didn't have too many images on my computer to work with and they took me forever to cut and put together...okay maybe it was 3 days. I used over 100 layers on the frame image!!
I also got the gigantic manual for it and all I can say is-- I doubt I'm going to read it-i think I will just try to figure it out. I have a ton of ideas and an ephemera collection to photograph so this is going to be a fun new direction for me.